Monday, 9 May 2016

hp-health (hpasm) fails after centos update

Did a routine yum update to a centos 6  server today and as part of that update it installed hp-health-10.40-1777.17.rhel6.i686. As part of the upgrade it obviously stops and starts hpasmxld.

As soon as that was done errors started being logged in syslog.

hpasmxld[2143]: OsKcsExecCmd:  IPMI NetFN  0x6   CMD: 0x31 has timed out!
hpasmxld[2143]: OsKcsExecCmd:  IPMI NetFN  0x6   CMD: 0x1 has timed out!
hpasmxld[2143]: hpIoctl(): IOCTL Timeout -- Waiting on IPMI

Trying to fire up hpasmcli meant a wait of a couple of minutes.

Stopping hpasmxld caused an error

# service hp-health stop
  Using Proliant High Performance
        IPMI based System Health Monitor
  Using standard Linux IPMI device driver
/etc/init.d/hp-health: line 760: dmidecode: command not found
  Shutting down Proliant High Performance
  IPMI based System Health Monitor (hpasmxld):   ESCALATE: kill -9 hpasmxld
                                                           [  OK  ]

It appears a pre-requisit is not correctly identified and was not installed as part of the yum update.

After installing dmidecode (yum install dmidecode) and restarting hp-asrd and hp-healthd all appears fine. hpasmcli performance is back to normal, no more errors in syslog and hpasmxld can be stopped and started correctly.