Recently windows 10 upgraded itself, after the numerous reboots when it was finally finished I was left with no network access.
My broadcom giganet ethernet card refused to work and no amount of dagnostics (which helpfully declare you need internet access) was going to fix it.
As a number of articles suggested I tried 'Netsh network reset catalog' and 'Netsh int ip reset' without any luck.
Disabling windows firewall didn't have any effect. I should have noticed at this point that AVG had vanished.
A ipconfig/renew resulted in the following message.
An error occurred while renewing interface internet
An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions
I eventually noticed in my notifications that the windows upgrade had removed AVG as it was out of date.
If however I went into the firewall there was still an option to enable AVG firewall.
It now became clear that windows had ripped AVG out rather than correctly deinstalling it. You'd wonder why windows update could not simply inform you to update or remove AVG. I guess its part of Microsoft's upgrade at any cost strategy.
I downloaded avgclear from their site using another pc and then ran it to fully remove all traces of AVG.
A quick reboot later and my network card is functioning again.